Saturday, January 30, 2010

Blogging in the classroom

Using blogs in the classroom is becoming a great way for teachers to get through to there students outside of the classroom. A lot of times students will lose their handouts given to them during regular class, but with blogs they are always there for kids to get access. Blogs are also useful because a lot of times people are afraid to ask questions in front of people because they are afraid that maybe what they are asking is stupid, and they don't want to be embarassed. With blogs, they can read other postings and get the idea, or maybe find a blog that answers their question straight up. If someone was to tell me that blogs were a waste of time, I would tell them that they were correct. That is if they were the teacher. Teachers that don't know how to blog or are unable to see the many ways that they could use it to benefit the classroom, it would be a waste of time for them. But a teacher that does know how to use blogs would be able to not make it a waste of time.

IN chapter 6, there were some great ideas that can be used to enhance the classroom by using technology in the class. The world is a technology world now, and the reason we go to school is to get ready for the future outside of school. So it only makes since to use technology. There is so much information you can find when using technology and is so much easier to find what you are looking for specifically. If you were having to look through books all the time, that would take up wasted time. Also, technology is more fun I believe. It will keep students from getting bored and you will see more students engaged in school.