Monday, April 19, 2010

The lesson plan that I created I believe would be a good one to use when I start teaching PE. The lesson would be a great one to know not only for the kids today, but they can continue to use it when they are older. Today, there are more overweight people in the nation than there ever was. So if our kids have the knowledge of how to stay in shape, then maybe they will be more willing to do so.

This class has been very beneficial to learning how to use the technology in the world and put it in the classroom. Tech in the classroom is very important because or world is basically revolving around it. So its crutial for our young kids to know how to use the technology so they dont get behind when they go into the real world.

Monday, March 8, 2010

I believe that teachers should do a good deal of using technology that students use outside of school inside there own classroom. For the reason of keeping interest of the students. If they are doing something they enjoy doing they will be more interested in wanting to do it.
I think that maybe a live chat between a group could be beneficial? It could serve as a study group or something like that. But I think that for the most part it is better to do that in person, but if that is not possible then chat would work.
As for the pod casts, i think that if it is used correctly it is beneficial to the students. they can hear the information and be able to replay it over again if they dont understand something. But it cant be used in place of studying. By that I mean you cant just listen to it and expect to do good.
I dont believe videogames inhances your studying. I used to play videogames quite a bit and it drastically cut into my studying time. It seems like the game gets prioritized over the studying. If you get a game where you have to think, then it could work your brain a little bit. I wouldnt mind my kids playing games everyday, but there would be a restriction or time limit.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Personality type

I took the personality test and it said that I am an ENFJ. Which is a teacher. Which suites me perfectly after reading the personality traits and some of the other interesting things that it mentioned about my personality. I believe that by having differint personality traits, we do learn differintly. By knowing that not all people are the same, as a teacher I will realize that I cant teach the same way to all of my students. Not only teach, but interact with them in differint ways so I can have a good relationship with them.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Spread sheet

As a basketball coach, I have used spreadsheet to calculate my players statistics and have it all in a nice easy to find what you are looking for layout. Spreadsheet allows you to do things you want at a much MUCH quicker pace. such as putting names in alphabetical order, or averaging out a whole bunch of numbers at one time. For teachers, spreadsheet is very useful in the classroom. It allows you to take attendence much easier and especially recording grades is now less time cosuming than it was in the past. Now, with spreadsheet, if you ever want to know the students' average, it is right there at the click of a button. Theres no need to type in every single grade into a calculator then devide them all. Instead, just highlight them, click average, and there it is! The coolest thing is that you dont have to do that for every student either, you can just highlight the entire section of grades and there averages will show up in a new colum. I have also used spreadsheet to create seatting charts, tournament brackets, and many other things that I have had to do for my job as a teacher/coach.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Inspiration Program

I really enjoyed the ideas and the programs presented in the video. I believe that if any teacher were to see it, they would be able to find something that they could use in their classroom. Students today learn in differint ways than they did ten years ago, even just five years ago. Today they are more visual learners thatn just being told what to do or readding what the answers are. With the program, they will be able to see the things they need to do which will be more helpful to them. As well as being more entertained i think.

The best part about this program might be the fact that it helps with organization. One of my biggest faults is not being organized. I usualy know where stuff is but its usualy with a bunch of other stuff that has nothing to do with it. So it would be benificial to me and i believe all people like me to have. Teachers need to be organized because the students are dependent on them to have their papers or at least the proof that they have gotten credit for work that they have done. The progam to me seems like it is more in our time than the normal way of doing things. the computer is used very much these days in everyday life. So useing it more in the classroom to me, only makes more sense.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My introduction

For some reason it didn't post this when I did it the first time so I'm doing it in class today.

My name is Bryan Jones and am a coach at Fannindel High School. I am the head Junior High everything and the assistant on Varsity for pretty much everything as well. The school is VERY small. There are less than 90 kids in the whole school, 6th-12th grade. When I finally graduate, I am planning on being a Physical education teacher and a football basketball and/or baseball coach at the high school level. I played all three of those sports when I was in high school, and got all district five times along with lots of other awards. This class is so much fun!!!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Blogging in the classroom

Using blogs in the classroom is becoming a great way for teachers to get through to there students outside of the classroom. A lot of times students will lose their handouts given to them during regular class, but with blogs they are always there for kids to get access. Blogs are also useful because a lot of times people are afraid to ask questions in front of people because they are afraid that maybe what they are asking is stupid, and they don't want to be embarassed. With blogs, they can read other postings and get the idea, or maybe find a blog that answers their question straight up. If someone was to tell me that blogs were a waste of time, I would tell them that they were correct. That is if they were the teacher. Teachers that don't know how to blog or are unable to see the many ways that they could use it to benefit the classroom, it would be a waste of time for them. But a teacher that does know how to use blogs would be able to not make it a waste of time.

IN chapter 6, there were some great ideas that can be used to enhance the classroom by using technology in the class. The world is a technology world now, and the reason we go to school is to get ready for the future outside of school. So it only makes since to use technology. There is so much information you can find when using technology and is so much easier to find what you are looking for specifically. If you were having to look through books all the time, that would take up wasted time. Also, technology is more fun I believe. It will keep students from getting bored and you will see more students engaged in school.